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pgp and pelvic pain

uniquely qualified care with the best Chiropractors in Edinburgh

Our principle chiropractor, Dr Brassington (chiropractor), has a post-graduate degree and 20 plus years of experience treating pregnant women for many different conditions, PGP being one of many. They are one of only two chiropractors to offer PGP and pelvic Chiropractic care in Scotland and the only one in the Central Edinburgh area, as well as Glenrothes and Fife and consulting in Dundee City.


Furthermore, we have the resources to provide online consultations globally for this presentation and can then help to find someone more locally with the skills needed to resolve the PGP complaint.

pelvis girdle pain: the basics

Pelvic Girdle Pain or PGP, previously known as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, SPD is a biomechanical pelvic joint problem. PGP affects 1 in 5 pregnant women with symptoms occurring at any stage either during or following pregnancy. PGP causes pain, stiffness and discomfort in the pelvic joints. The pain and stiffness may cause you to experience difficulty walking, climbing stairs or turning in bed.


PGP can usually be treatable with hands-on manual therapy, such as physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. Manual therapy is safe and encouraged during any stage of pregnancy or following the birth.

the pelvis

The pelvis is made up of a ring of three bones:

  • the illium is on both the left and right side

  • the sacrum is in the middle at the back


These bones join at the pubis symphysis at the front of the pelvis and the back and the sacroiliac joint at the back of the pelvis. When these joints are functioning normally they allow movement through the pelvis for usual daily activities.


Pelvic Girdle Pain occurs when one of these joints stops moving normally, causing inflammation, irritation, discomfort and often pain in the surrounding muscles and joints.

how to recognise pgp

Diagram of a pelvic girdle

Although PGP usually starts in pregnancy it can occur during the birthing process, particularly if birthing complications or difficulties arise. It can start gradually or suddenly and can also start weeks or months after giving birth.

PGP can be assessed, treated and managed using manual therapy in the same way, regardless of the cause or when the pain and discomfort started.


PGP is not exclusive to pregnant and post-partum women, Sportsmen, such as rugby players, can also be affected by PGP. They are treated using a similar range of manual therapy techniques as would be used for pregnancy-related PGP.


During pregnancy the hormone relaxin is released to help to soften the ligaments in preparation for baby’s growth and for labour. This is not the primary cause of PGP. PGP pain can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • Underlying pelvic or back condition or joint stiffness.

  • An injury from a fall, slip or other accident during any stage of pregnancy.

  • Irritation of the joint due to postural issues– this could be a work, leisure or related to repetitive movement.

  • Underlying joint hypermobility issue or syndrome affecting susceptibility to PGP due to instability in the joints.

pgp treatment

PGP is unlikely to go away without the right treatment. Manual therapy is effective because PGP is a biomechanical condition.

An individual assessment is important to look at the position and symmetry of the movement of your pelvic joints and find out which joints are causing the problem and how this can be treated. Often the joint causing the problem is not particularly painful, so treating the painful point is unlikely to sort out the underlying problem, this is called referred pain. 


Our chiropractors, offering the best Chiropractic care in Edinburgh, can also show you effective stretches for relieving tension and easing discomfort throughout your pregnancy and post-partum.


We can adjust you and also your baby post-partum as early as a week old.

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